The mixed weather meant the intrepid travels walked or cycled through showers and heat while the early birds let the bus take the strain.
The three of them were sitting quietly in a corner of the empty hall across from where the beers were lined up and ready for action. Mark was serving and the beer list was soon under discussion. On looking at the description of one of the beers my comment was Mike had used the gravy powder again. I am sure on tasting it, I did not notice.
The theme was Halloween and the beers had to follow that in their name, the Black rabbit was one that scared most people. As we moved to the lighter (but stronger) beers the better they seemed to get.
As I said it started with three, then the biker came in followed by the walker (he did not loose it on the common) and then the last of the real Mengo team MG turned up. We then had a new local boy Andy join us. Pat M. dropt him off and while normally a larger drinker he showed willing.
A number of families with kids added to the ambience and a bit more noise this kept us busy watching the mums chase the kids who were starting early and trying to drink the dregs from the Tupperware below the barrels.
After much talk of building, windows and e-types we were coming to the usual decision on when to go. Luck would have it PV and Maz had been over the Star in Godalming and gave Jem and Satan a lift back. We could not leave and had a few more beers most picking a nice session beer from the tasters they had tried earlier.
So the rabble left the boys to it and by luck jumped on a 72 Bus straight to the top of Eggars Hill. The biker met them on the Five Arch Bridge and it looked like they were mugging Charlie Legrand.
After a bit of a problem on who was paying for a beer, we had a few IPA’s under the Halloween black out in the Garden Gate and Angie came in for a couple then took Andy home.
Brewery | Beer | % |
Attleborough | Wolf Howler | 4.2 |
Banks & Taylor | Black Squirrel | 3.9 |
J.W. lees | Dragon Fire | 4.0 |
Marstons | Wicked Witch | 4.2 |
Old Mill | Fire & Brimstone | 3.9 |
Phoenix | White Monk | 4.5 |
Attended by:-
KO, RN, PC, RO, TM, MG, Andy, Jem and Satan