A site for real ale lovers (and other drinkers) to share experiences.
These words are written on the back of our business card, top left of the page. Note we only have 250 of these left.
OK - In English
and for the purists, yes the German is slightly incorrect, but what do you expect from two German girls drinking in the Garden Gate on a Saturday afternoon?
Having enjoyed British beer festivals since the first Farnham Beerex in 1977, we decided to expand our appreciation of the hop into Europe and in 1982 began our trips to the continent in search of different beers.
But where do we start? Of course, at the greatest beer festival of them all.
Munich 1982 - Paul, Ray, Kevin and Michael Wieze 1985 - Paul, Ray, Michael and Dave Munich 1986 - Paul, Michael and Ray Munich 1988 - Paul and Ray Amsterdam 1989 - Paul, Ray, Michael and Dave Flanders 1989 - Paul and Trevor Czchoslavia 1992 - Paul, Ray, Trevor and Dave Rotterdam 1994 - Paul, Ray, Trevor, Dave and Kevin Antwerp 1996 - Paul, Michael and Trevor Geel 1998 - Paul, Ray and Terry Gent 1999 - Paul, Ray, Frank and Terry Bamburg 2000 - Paul, Ray, Michael, Frank, Trevor, Terry, Dave and Martin Poperinge 2001 - Paul, Ray, Terry, Trevor, Frank, Martin, John A and Vince 2001 Beer List Maastricht 2002 - Paul, Ray, Trevor, Terry, Kevin, Michael, John G, Dave, John A, Martin and Pete Cologne 2003 - Paul, Ray, Frank, Terry, John A and Ron Marbehan 2004 - Paul V, Ray, Michael, Terry, Kevin, John A, Ron and Paul C Bamburg 2005 - Paul V, Ray, Frank, Michael, Terry, Dave, John A, Ron and Paul C 2005 Beer List Cork 2006 - Kevin Zutphen 2006 - Paul V, Ray, Michael, Frank, Trevor, Dave, Kevin, Terry, John, Ron and Paul C 2006 Beer List Cologne (Spring) 2007 - Terry and Paul C North Rhine Westphalia 2007 - Paul V, Ray, Michael, Frank, Dave, Terry, John A, Paul C and Ron 2007 Beer List Karlsruhe 2008 - Terrry, Paul V and Paul C. Charleroi, Namur and Mons 2008 - Paul V, Ray, Trevor, Kevin, Terry, Dave, John A, Michael, Paul C and Ron Bamburg and Upper Franconia 2008 - Paul V, Phil, Peter, Dave, Nelly, Chris, Bob, Andy and Martin Muchen and Beyond 2009 - Paul V, Ray, Michael, Kevin, Terry, Frank, Ron, Paul C and John A. 2009 Beer List USA 2010 - John and Lyn A. Limburg 2010 - Paul V, Ray, Michael, Terry, Frank, Ron, Paul C and John A Forcheim 2011 - Paul V, Ray and Neil's crew W'Back2011 - Paul V, Paul C, John A, Ron, Frank, Michael, Kevin, Ray and Terry 2011 Beer List Cologne 2012 - Kevin, Ray, Michael, Paul V, John A, Paul C, Trevor, John G, Ray, Ron and Terry 2012 Beer List Zottegem 2013 - Ray, Kevin, Terry, Michael, Frank, Paul C, Ron and John A 2013 Beer List Amsterdam 2014 - Ray, Kevin, Terry, Michael, John G, Frank and Jonh A. Stuttgart 2015 - Ray, Kevin, Terry, Michael, Paul V, Frank, Ron, Paul C and John A. 2015 Beer List Antwerp 2016 - Terry, Michael, Paul V, Paul C, Ron Frank and John A. 2016 Beer List Prague and Slany 2017 - Ray, Kevin, Terry, Michael, Paul V, Ron, Paul C and John A. 2017 Beer List Berlin 2018 - Ron, Paul C, Kevin, Terry, Paul V, Michael, Frank, Ray and John A. Budapest 2019 - Ray, Paul V, Paul C, Kevin, Terry, Michael, Frank, John A, Ron and Charlie 2019 Photos Covid 2020 Covid 2021 Mechelen 2022 Ray, Paul V, Paul C, Terry, Frank and John A 2022 Photos Bamburg 2023 - Ray, Paul V, Frank, Ron, Mike D, John A and Graham. Cologne 2024 - Ray, Paul V, Frank, Ron, John A and Graham.